SDG 1 - No Poverty

We know Pak Pande Parahyangan Green Recycle (PGR) since 2019. We were introduced by the founder of the PKP Community Centre and already had a cooperation with Pak Pande on waste separation in Selasih village in 2019.

Due to the pandemic, Pak Pande had to pause his business. As a result, he converted his private house into a waste separation plant and gave unemployed people a job during the pandemic.

The issue of waste disposal in Bali is still problematic. There are too many different systems and ways to dispose of waste - be it by throwing it away in the jungle or river, unsorted dumping in a landfill or by incineration. There are also too many individual actions with service costs for waste separation, which are too expensive for the ordinary person in Bali. Moreover, nowadays rubbish is even used to earn money, which exacerbates the problem as everyone works against each other instead of working together.

It is amazing to see how many times you have a plastic bottle in your hand before it can be recycled. We don't want to dive too much into this issue as it is discouraging and we are not sure if our actions on waste issues are really sustainable. Also, there is still too little commitment from the people, the government and especially the companies responsible for this madness.


Instead, we take over the salaries of 4 waste heroes at Parahyangan Green Recycle. With this work, we are contributing a small part to the sustainable development goal of "No Poverty" by creating important jobs for the future.

Currently, three large rubbish dumps in Bali are burning. Unseparated huge piles of rubbish. A vicious circle, because the access to these dumps is now closed, so that the rubbish collectors are forced to drive the rubbish all over Bali to dump it at other rubbish dumps or even simply dump it on the streets of Bali.

On the left, one of the three burning rubbish dumps in Tabanan/ Central Bali.

The financial support of Pak Pande's small, independent company is important to us.  His efforts are worthwhile and remarkable.


Every Saturday he now also offers rubbish and environmental education for children at home on a voluntary basis. We will also support this from now on.

See pictures of his home below.


Ni Wayan Lasti.
Ibu Lasti's parents had no money for her schooling, so Ibu Lasti could only attend school up to grade 4 and has had to work hard ever since. She worked as a domestic helper in Denpasar before the pandemic. The pandemic forced her to take the job at PGR and she likes that the working relationship there is very familiar. Ibu Lasti is one of the hardest workers and never hesitates to take on tasks in sometimes very difficult and unhygienic conditions. The heat makes the work more difficult to her.

I Wayan Mariawan
Bapak Mariawan is also older, but still very agile and hardworking and tireless. He has the highest local Indonesian school leaving certificate (high school) and his greatest experience has been as a driver in Yogyakarta (Jawa). Therefore, he often takes over the rubbish collection trips at PGR's clients. He is one of the most reliable employees and PGR appreciates his thoughtfulness in all his tasks.

I Nyoman Suasta
Nyoman is already over 60 years old. But he is in good health and one of the most reliable and persistent workers in the PGR. He has lived with his brother since he was a child, but he did not take care of him, so he has been on his own all his life.  He worked as a construction worker until he was 55 years old. After that, he only worked in agriculture and gardening. He has a grown-up daughter who is already married and self-employed, but his wife can no longer work due to a stroke she suffered, so he is the only one who can support herself.
A nice balance to the physically very strenuous work at PGR is his soft spot for gamelan music. A traditional orchestra group he plays with as often as he can.